We make food, we make food all the time. We try to make it really tasty, we try to make it with ingredients that mean something.

It’s taken us awhile to figure out who we are. I think in this world, this country, this shared reality of restaurants, it was hard to define who we were because we didn’t know. I thought we could be post farm-to-table, because you can’t be table to farm and we can’t be table at farm. I thought we could be a sandwich place, I thought we could be a fancy restaurant, I thought we could be a sushi place, I thought we could be a routiere or a brasserie or a cafeteria. But…

There’s this market in Brioude and at this market, there are gorgeous organic food products and it’s on Saturday and it’s right outside our door. We go out there and buy things and we cook these things. We are a market restaurant.

What do you like to cook? They ask. What does that mean? What do I have a tendency to cook? Well, we make our own sourdough bread now. We do our own buns for sandwiches now. We make fresh pasta now All our own desserts from scratch now. We do just about everything from scratch actually. It’s a lot of work, but it’s good honest work. Work we can be proud of.

We like natural wine, too, because it’s alive and we like the winemakers and we know them and it’s funky and we’re funky and it’s loose and we’re loose and it’s tight and refined because we are tight and refined. We like true expressions of terroir mostly.

We didn’t come from the reality of restaurants. We learned. So I think this restaurant, or this place, is more about learning than anything else.

Oh yeah, we like people, too.  We like them to have fun at our place.

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